Is there a way to quickly increase a member? Many men are interested in how to build an extra inch or two before sex. What can we say, even better - 5 or 7. There are similar ways. However, if the magnification technique works quickly, it is likely to be short-lived.
You have to sacrifice something if a man is not ready to spend months doing exercises with an extensor or jelqing. Another quick technique, but not the safest, is surgery.
It is possible to increase a member in one day
A large number of men who anticipate an important meeting are beginning to wonder how to increase their male dignity in a few days. Some even ask how you can do this in one day?
It should always be mentioned that the problem of a small penis in 99% of cases is completely artificial.
Almost always, it is not even the mental or social discomfort of a man at the root, but simply a desire to rise in his own eyes. Perhaps you should approach your self-image from a more creative perspective. A man's status in modern society is not equal to the length and width of his penis. And then, think about it, would you be interested in a girl who appreciates you in the first place, the magnitude of masculinity?
If you start looking for information about this problem on the Internet, you have four main options:
- Jelqing (milking);
- extenders;
- Suspended loads;
- Pharmaceutical creams and ointments.
You can come across a variety of analyzes of these penis enlargement techniques. Many doctors doubt that, with the help of medication, it is possible to influence the size of the penis in any way. And patients are concerned that weights and stretching extensors will harm their penis. The most reliable is jelqing, an ancient massage technique.

But none of these methods can solve the indicated problem. By massaging and stretching the penis using various techniques, you can enlarge it through long, regular training.
What if we need a few extra inches now? If we have 7 days in stock? And how to act if literally 2 minutes before intercourse? Let's talk about which methods really exist and work.
Vacuum pump
The fastest method to actually enlarge the penis is the vacuum pump. It works almost instantly, the result is saved for about half an hour.
The most important advantage of the vacuum pump is that the penis really grows, and you can contact your partner with your real skin, not the accessory.
In addition, a pump is a great way to induce and strengthen an erection. By forcing air, you are guaranteed to force the cavernous bodies of your penis to fill with blood. This technique is suitable even for men who have severe psychological problems with arousal or the physical capacity of an erection is reduced. After all, physics itself comes into play.
How to use
The vacuum pump is very easy to use. If there is 1 day left before the responsible meeting, feel free to run after the fan in a sex shop. It is true that it is worth considering - it will be difficult to hide from your partner that the toys have already started to work. The procedure will take just 2 minutes.
To consolidate the pumping results, it is advisable to use it in conjunction with an erection ring.
First, we put an elastic ring on the pump body so that it is at its base. Then we place the penis in the pump space, and in some movements we notice how our penis grows and swells under the influence of negative compression. When the desired result of the pump is guaranteed, carefully remove the cock ring and place it at the base of the penis.
However, the pump can be used not only in online mode. After using it 1 time and realizing how good the result is, you can continue to use it every day. It will be enough an hour a day for 2 months. In this case, you need to give your penis a rest by releasing new air into the pump. Otherwise, there may be problems with the blood circulation of the penis. It will be noticed in 2-3 weeks that the penis, even without the action of the pump, remains larger than before.

Due to the negative compression of the air, the tissues of the corpora cavernosa and skin are stretched and blood begins to fill them. It is necessary to ensure that neither the first nor the third pressure causes pain. As soon as it is uncomfortable to pump the air, it is worthwhile to interrupt the procedure. Having released air into the vacuum space, you cannot start a new one for a maximum of 15 seconds. In general, you cannot spend more than 40 minutes on the technique. Otherwise, there is a great danger of disturbing the normal functioning of blood circulation within the penis.
It is unacceptable to use a device to increase or excite a member, if any:
- Phimosis and pathological conditions of the foreskin;
- Inflammatory processes in the urethra and other genitals of man;
- Diabetes mellitus;
- Chronic liver and kidney disease;
- Blood clotting problems, disorders of the cardiovascular system.
The most radical of the 3 suggested ways to enlarge the penis in 1 or 2 days is surgical.
Penile surgery in many cases is not only a patient's whim, but also a direct medical necessity. The list of nominations includes the following situations:
- Abnormally developed intrauterine urethra;
- Incorrect genital structure;
- Too much curvature, preventing normal sexual intercourse;
- High density of the corpora cavernosa, causing erectile dysfunction;
- Micropenis and penis conditions where it is hidden between fat and skin;
- Very strong connection between the penis and the scrotum.
The operation should not be performed if the patient:
- Psychically inadequate;
- Has a benign or malignant neoplasm;
- You suffer from diabetes;
- Has inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system;
- Has genital infections and viruses;
- You suffer from bleeding disorders;
- Has dermatological ulcers and skin rashes on the penis.
Surgical intervention will enlarge the penis in 1 day, but does not require two or three days of preparation.
Whichever method is chosen, a comprehensive medical examination of the body will be a prerequisite. And after surgery, a period of rehabilitation will be necessary. Sometimes it only takes 5 days and sometimes it doesn't end in 5 months. It depends on how much the human body and the second most important organ of man after the brain are exposed.
As soon as plastic surgeons had a demand to enlarge the penis, she immediately figured out how to make a proposal. The choice fell on an elementary operation for surgical standards. The doctor simply anesthetizes the man and cuts the ligament that fixes the hidden part of the penis inside the body. After the wound heals, you only have to wait about 3 days in the hospital and rest. In 2 weeks, the patient will have to give up all sexual relations, it will be necessary to protect the penis from injury.
The ligamentotomy will leave an incision mark that will not attract much attention.

Lipofilling is a much easier and less traumatic way to surgically enlarge the penis. This procedure is similar to the lip augmentation technique with subcutaneous fat. Under the foreskin, the surgeon injects a thick substance, which is usually the patient's own fat, mixed with certain drugs.
If the surgery is successful, the penis will become wider due to the injected fat. It is true that negative moments sometimes occur and the fat cells are partially absorbed. In that case, the penis starts to look like it's not pretty bumps.
The lipofilling effect is short-lived. It is good that the cells dissolve evenly. And after six months or a year, you will have to repeat the operation if the patient liked the result for the first time. Synthetic fillers for this operation can prolong the increase period. But, at the same time, they increase the risk of tissue rejection and inflammatory processes, the extreme and most dangerous degree of which may be necrosis.
We will have 1, 2 or 3 minutes before the moment of proximity - it doesn't matter. After all, if you go to the erotic goods store in advance to get the accessory, your penis will be enlarged in the blink of an eye.
True, this is more of an interesting experiment than a way to impress a dear future that is still unknown. After all, the word "mouthpiece" fully reflects the function of the device - it is a silicone or latex product in the shape of a penis, into which a real penis can be inserted. At the same time, the soft and elastic material will create the sensation of normal human skin for both partners.
The attachment can help in cases where the partner is not really satisfied with the size of the man or wants to try a bigger penis for a painless relationship.

Or if a man is deeply dissatisfied with the size of his dignity and wants to feel like a porn actor for 1 day. The most popular accessories that increase the length from 3 to 7 cm.
There is a second type of accessory that only expands the penis. The user, when visiting the respective commercial department, can always choose the accessory according to their interests and desires.
Creams and ointments
In recent years, the number of various gels and ointments to enlarge the penis has increased dramatically. To begin with, not everyone promises a quick impact. They are divided into two types: giving a long-term and short-term effect (containing a small amount of red pepper). Those that have a short-term effect are our case. By anointing the penis with the desired gel, we improve blood circulation in it. Consequently, the erection is more powerful and bigger.