The vacuum pump for the penis is a device that many have heard of, but did not dare to try it, as they do not have precise information about the principle of operation of this device, the rules of use and contraindications.
It should be said immediately that initially a vacuum pump was used in medical practice to improve erection, not to increase the male member.
Therefore, if you need to enlarge your penis, both in length and thickness, it is recommended to use a vacuum pump and extender, not forgetting special exercises.
A penis pump can be used as a prophylactic agent to decrease potency, even if the size of the penis fully satisfies the owner and partner. In addition, using a vacuum pump, you can increase the volume of the penis by 1, 5-2 cm, which is probably not superfluous.
To avoid mistakes and avoid complications after using this device, it is recommended to watch a training video - this is the best way to quickly master the pump and change your sex life for the better.
Recommendations for using a vacuum pump to enlarge the penis

It takes months and even years to model a beautiful body. At the same time, you need to not only work out at the gym to gain muscle, but also monitor your diet and lead a healthy lifestyle. It's the same here. The penis can be enlarged by a third of its original volume and by 2 centimeters in volume. But the result will not be achieved immediately, you need to be ready for it.
The most important condition is regular penis enlargement exercises with a vacuum pump. If you use the device before intercourse, you can briefly increase the volume and length of the penis, make it harder and delay the moment of ejaculation.
But after the end of sexual intercourse and the weakening of the erection, the large size of the penis will return to the previous size. Therefore, to obtain a lasting effect, you must practice at least three times a week for 10-15 minutes. If you want to enlarge your penis by at least 1, 5-2 months, you will have to spend at least three months. Great results will be visible in 3-5 months.
The pump can be combined with a penis extender to get the desired effect faster, however, it is very important to know how to use the extender correctly. But at the same time, it is very important not to overdo it and not harm yourself instead of benefiting.
Basic rules for using the pump to improve male strength and enlarge the penis:
- The heating procedures are mandatory. You can take a hot shower or just wrap your penis in a towel moistened with warm water. After that, you should stretch the penis for several minutes to increase the elasticity of the tissue.
- Check the operation and cleanliness of the vacuum pump. Only after the device has been washed, dried, completely assembled and treated with a special lubricant can the penis be inserted into it.
- It is not recommended to use greases, oils, creams and fat-based emulsions - these means can quickly damage the silicone cap and the fixing ring after several uses. All lubricants must be water based.
- Before using the pump, it is advisable to shave or shorten pubic hair. It is not advisable to lubricate the scrotum, otherwise it can also be sucked into the pump.
- The first session should not last more than five minutes; heavy loads should not be applied immediately. The tissues need to get used to the effects of the vacuum, otherwise, bruising may occur.
The most important operating rule must be remembered: if discomfort, pain or tingling occurs while exercising with a pump, they must be stopped immediately.
After a short rest, the procedure can be restarted by first massaging the penis. The longer the sessions, the longer the rest should last after them. You need to add time gradually, you cannot immediately reduce the pressure significantly.
These guidelines will help you avoid discomfort and other complications.
When it is recommended to use a vacuum pump

In most cases, those who are not satisfied with the size of their penis or are concerned about decreased potency are interested in products for men of this type. But there are also medical indications for regular use of the pump.
After prostatectomy - prostate surgery - the penis often shortens, the erection becomes weaker. Regular pumping exercises can help maintain penis size and restore strong, long-lasting erections.
This effect is explained in a simple way: the main action of a vacuum pump is to stimulate blood circulation and saturate tissues with oxygen. That is why the erection improves and the size of the penis increases. After surgery, there is often a complication, like cavernous fibrosis - the proliferation of fibrous tissue in the penis.
If microcirculation in the vessels and tissues of the penis is guaranteed, this phenomenon can be avoided, sexual functions will be fully preserved and no erection problems will arise.
Other instructions for using the pump:
- Disorders of blood circulation in Organs genitals.
- Diabetes mellitus - with this pathology, problems with metabolic processes in tissues often arise.
- The recovery period after rectal surgery.
- Psychological problems - stress, overwork, depressive states invariably affect the quality of male potency.
The price of this device is determined by the model, design and manufacturer.
In any case, a penile pump is much cheaper than a pill or implant and does not harm the patient's health in any way, provided it is used wisely.
Contraindications for pump use

In most cases, pumping does not pose a threat to human health, on the contrary.
This procedure does not require medical supervision, just consult a doctor before starting a course and consult the possible risks.
The use of the pump is not recommended in the following cases:
- If the patient has blood clotting problems and a tendency to bleed;
- A man is taking drugs that affect blood composition or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
- Priapism is observed - a prolonged (up to several hours) and painful erection syndrome;
- There are congenital pathologies of the circulatory system - for example, sickle cell anemia;
- Some forms of leukemia have been diagnosed.
Temporary side effects include:
- Petechiae formation - small red and purple spots under the skin surface of the penis.
- Darkening and dryness of the skin of the penis.
- Decreased ejaculation strength.
- Change in sensation during erection.
- Tingling and intermittent numbness at the base of the penis.
All of these symptoms resolve on their own within 2 to 14 days after you stop using the pump.
Not so long ago, only vacuum pumps could be found in specialist stores. These models are effective, but patients often complain that after use, abrasions, bruises and swelling of the penis occurred.
Hydraulic pumps are an improved pump to increase the penis and improve potency. Even if the beginner overdoes the pressure and the duration of the procedure, no bruising or pain will arise. It costs a little more, but the costs are justified. Experienced buyers recommend exactly these pumps: the effect is the same and the risk of side effects is reduced several times.