It is so arranged that a person is not always satisfied with what he has. The girl, being the owner of magnificent forms, is constantly trying to lose weight - endless diets, exhausting workouts.
Or having curls, she constantly uses a flat iron to straighten them. Not only representatives of the weaker half of society are dissatisfied with their appearance. This also applies to men.
Perhaps the most common problem of representatives of the strong half of society is the small size of the penis. The second most common problem is potency. As you can see, these two topics are interrelated. Therefore, the question on the vastness of the World Wide Web: "How to enlarge the penis? "occurs quite often. The well-known saying "before there was no sex" does not testify to its real absence, otherwise we would not be with you now. Most likely, it testified to the lack of education of society in such topics. Even today, if it is planned to introduce sex education classes in schools, it is often just in the plans. Since the question immediately arises of how to present this material correctly.
The adaptation of foreign literature and textbooks shocks us, because it is too frank. Although what, in fact, is shameful or terrible about it. If this topic were mandatory for study, then there would probably be few people who are dissatisfied with their appearance. Needless to say, along with modern technologies and the development of the World Wide Web, humanity in the truest sense of the word is "turned" to the flow of information. And even if a self-confident person is sometimes lost in the abundance of material, what can we say about those who do not belong to him.
There is a lot of information on the Internet, sometimes unreliable. It is not possible to verify this. Therefore, many people continue to rely on initially incorrect information until the end of their lives. And as a result, teenagers no longer ask their older comrades for advice, they simply enter a question into a search engine and immediately find out what their ancestors could only guess. And this is where many people fall into the trap of information that is not so much true as exaggerated.
And this, in turn, has a negative impact not only on sex life, but also on the attitude towards oneself. Many who have seen the video enough or read not quite correct information develop a complex. After all, what they show sometimes does not converge with the real numbers. That's why men want to know how to enlarge their penis. Many, probably even from biology classes, know that the penis is an organ made up entirely of cavernous fibers. When filled with blood, these tissues increase in size.
And how much the organ increases in size, thickness and girth (in girth), this is a completely different matter. It is already established by nature. Here the result will vary, and sometimes significantly. According to statistics, more than 70% of men have limbs that increase in length during an erection, and more than 15% of men have an organ that increases in width. It is nearly impossible to predict what the penis will feel like when aroused based on its thickness or length in an unaroused state.
When measuring the penis, it is important to consider several nuances. For a member to be fully aroused, the temperature must be approximately 22 degrees. Length is measured along the back of the penis, from the pubis to the head. A right angle must be maintained between the body and the penis. The circumference is measured with a tape measure. Penis size is a hot topic among men. Over the past hundreds of years, studies have been carried out, the purpose of which was to determine the norm of the penis. Similar studies have been carried out in different countries. It was found that length and width are determined by genetic predisposition.
Now more about normal penis size:
- If the size of the penis is eight centimeters long, then this is the so-called "micropenis". According to statistics, 1% of representatives of the strong half of society are endowed with such dignity.
- A small limb is an organ that reaches a length of 8 to 12 centimeters. Two percent of the male population of the planet has such an organ.
- A penis 12 cm long is considered normal, 55% of men are endowed with this size.
- Penis, the size of which is more than fifteen centimeters - above average.
- Representatives of the strong half of society, whose sexual organ is 20 cm long, are the owners of an impressive penis.
If you are one of those people who could not resist and measured the body, but in the end were dissatisfied with the result, here is another material for you about impressive sizes.
- The larger the size of the penis, the greater the amount of blood flowing to it. This is the only way to bring the body to the desired state.
- Any, even a slight flow can negatively affect the erection and, accordingly, the quality of sex.
- The formation of the organ ends around the age of 18. After that, any change in its width or length is nothing more than a visual illusion.
- Penis shrinkage can be due to being overweight. On average, every five extra kilos "steal" one centimeter from the penis. Again, all changes are visual, in fact the organ remains unchanged.
- The penis can actually shrink (not a visual effect). And this is due, as a rule, to a decrease in the level of androgens. So, for example, bodybuilders who use drugs that provoke hormonal imbalance most often face such a problem as the reduction of the penis, both in general and during an erection.
- Also, a decrease in the penis can be caused by incorrect and unsuccessful operations to lengthen it. The fault may be the low professionalism of the surgeon or physiological characteristics.

Not everyone thinks about the depth of the vagina, but most people don't know it, and when they have sexual intercourse for the first time, they only know one value. On average, the depth of the vagina is 10 cm, which indicates that for normal sex, the size of the penis, which is 15 centimeters, is quite enough. The tissues of the vagina are elastic, they allow you to adjust to a certain length and width.
They allow you to deliver more and more pleasure to your partner. Constantly changing sexual partners is not welcome, because it affects sensitivity and does not benefit representatives of the weaker half of society. Of course size matters. And this applies not only to the length of the penis, but also to its thickness. But it is impossible to say exactly how people fit together without checking in practice. Also, don't forget that sex is the art of mutual understanding, and not just breadth, length and depth.
It is possible to increase male dignity. Although sometimes it takes years to achieve positive results. Penis enlargement is a laborious and painstaking process, but quite real. Today, there are a huge number of ways and techniques to enlarge the penis. Some of them are more effective, others less. In any case, the choice of method is yours. The main thing is to know all the details of the chosen method.
It is possible to enlarge the penis with the help of surgical intervention, as well as folk remedies and special devices.
You can lengthen the body with the help of stretches, weight agents, hydraulic pump, special exercises, medicines and home remedies, mainly soft drinks. Help in solving the problem and cosmetics, including creams. The main thing, before applying this or that technique, is to familiarize yourself with its technique. This is necessary in order to avoid mechanical injuries and the development of complications.
Penis enlargement at home: folk methods

There are many methods and techniques that contribute to penis enlargement. Many of them can be easily applied at home. It is not necessary to resort to medical care, in particular the help of a plastic surgeon.
In addition, penis enlargement at home will cost exactly the same as the device with which you will carry out the procedure. The cost of surgical methods is very high.
One of the most common penis lengthening techniques is jelqing. Reviews about her are extremely positive. Many who used this method managed to achieve what they wanted. To make it clearer, jelqing refers to a set of exercises, the implementation of which has a beneficial effect on the penis.
Special exercises contribute to a pronounced enlargement of the penis and enlargement of the head. This technique has absorbed the manual penis stretching skills that people have accumulated over several millennia.
The use of jelqing contributes to:
- stimulation of blood circulation;
- increased pressure within the body;
- growth of cavernous fibers;
- the formation of new cells in the volume.
Cell growth is a completely natural and natural process. The technique only assists in its release and stimulation. In addition, jelqing contributes to a significant increase in sexual activity and stamina. There are several jelqing techniques. They differ only in details. Principle one - "milking". The main movement is a firm grip of the penis fingers at the base and the movement of the hand forward towards the head. Member, stretching, full of blood.
To successfully complete the exercises, you need to purchase a cream or spray. This will help you get results faster. Certain techniques do not require lubrication. Keep this in mind when choosing a technique. Don't skimp on lube, otherwise you'll rub your penis. Furthermore, these economies are fraught with tissue tears and inability to jelq for the next fortnight.
You should also not substitute specially designed products for soap, shampoo or other formulations. This is fraught with discomfort and injury. Penis enlargement using this technique is possible only if the organ is in a semi-excited state. Performing the exercise when fully excited is fraught with damage to blood vessels and organ tissues.

Technique 1. After applying the lubricant, wrap your hand around the penis and slide it along the shaft a few times, while holding your hand closed on the head for a few seconds.
This is the first stage - preparation. If you don't need it, you can proceed to the next step - the exercise.
Hold the penis at the base with your thumb. Carefully pull the organ down. Do this two hundred times. Of course, at first it will be difficult, so when you are overexcited, it is better to stop exercising. As soon as the penis reaches the necessary degree of arousal, you can continue. The full course is three months. In the first week, do it every day for ten minutes (this is usually ten minutes), in the second - 300 (15 minutes). Do this exercise for twenty minutes.
Technique 2. After lubricating the organ, wrap your hand around its base and pull it down and to the right. Then do the exercise on the other side. Do the exercise slowly at first. Make 50 movements to the right and the same to the left per day. Every day, increase the number of exercises - up to 200.
Technique 3. In this case, perform the exercises in the first and second techniques without lubrication.
Technique 4. This is essentially technique 1, but the exercise is performed very slowly. After applying the lubricant, hold the penis with your fingers at the base and slowly begin doing head exercises. The head will swell and bleed. Lock the position for ten seconds. The duration of the exercise is ten minutes.
All exercises according to the mode of action are divided into stretching and thickening. They are performed with the help of hands, mechanical devices or loads.
The exercises are stretching, vascular and auxiliary:
- We increase the power
- Stand straight, straighten your back. Raise your knees alternately to your stomach.
- Relax and tighten the muscles of the buttocks and perineum (standing on semi-bent legs).
- Lie down on the floor. Raise the pelvis.
- Increase penis length
- Forced erection or "Kegel". Lubricate the penis with cream. Hold the penis with your fingers and make vertical translational movements.
- Stretching. Stretch the relaxed limb very slowly (for fifteen seconds). Do the exercise ten times.
- We increase the width of the penis. This includes Jelqing technique exercises as well as a compression and flexion exercise.
How to enlarge penis with extender, weights, massage and pump
You can increase the penis, its diameter, thickness, length not only with the help of various devices, but also with the help of massage. An independent manual technique contributes not only to the stretching of the organ, but also to an increase in sexual activity and endurance. In addition, massage has a beneficial effect on the erection, as well as on its duration.
Before telling how to enlarge the penis with massage, I would like to tell you about the basic rules for its implementation:
- Prepare yourself before the massage. For this, it is advisable to use warm compresses. Soak a small towel in warm water, wring it out, and wrap it around the organ. Compresses change every three minutes (three times).
- Massage should be done daily.
- Combine massage with the use of pills (dietary supplements or homeopathic remedies that favor penis enlargement).
- Do not massage if you are under the influence of alcohol.
Technique 1. Holding the head of the organ with your hand, squeeze it. Compression should not interfere with blood circulation. Pull your head towards the floor. After a minute, you can increase the strength of the stretch.
Technique 2. Squeeze the head first with two fingers and then with the whole hand. Do everything carefully, do not rush. Pull the limb towards the floor for one minute. Then rest, release the penis. Then repeat. Do the exercise twenty times.
Technique 3. Hold the penis with the index finger and thumb. Squeeze the organ and move from its base to the head. Stop every now and then.
how to enlarge penis with weights

This technique is old but effective. It was used and is still used in some African tribes. The essence of the technique is the suspension and fixation of the load on the penis. The prolonged stretching effect contributes to an increase in the penis in both length and width.
The load should be easy to use and small in size. It is also important that there are as many weighting agents as possible. In this case, it will be possible to calculate the load and increase it over time.
Before proceeding with the procedure, massage or apply a compress. Then install the weight lock system behind the head and install the weight itself. Start with a light weight. Lack of preparation is fraught with injuries. The load should gradually increase. You can hang the weighting agent in any position.
Don't let the blood stagnate in the head. From time to time, remove the weight and attachment and massage. Extender, stretcher, expander, stretcher - all these devices belong to the same family of devices that help to increase the length and width of the organ, as well as correct the curvature of the shaft of the penis.
The principle of action of all these devices is the same and consists in a daily (at least five hours), long-term (at least three months), small (500-200 grams) stretching effect on the penis. As a result, the body reacts to external influences by forming new cells in the cargo area.
Device designs are slightly different, but the essence of the mechanism is the same - the penis is fixed with clamps that provide tension to the flesh. Another way to influence manhood size is a vacuum pump.
The principle of operation of such a tool is to create a vacuum environment in the pump, where the male genital organ is actually placed, due to which the blood flow to it increases and increases in size. However, judging by the reviews of men who have tried a similar method, we can conclude that pumping has a positive effect, but it is not so significant and is temporary.
How to enlarge the penis in other ways

Today on the market there are many different preparations in the form of creams, gels, ointments, sprays, telling how to use them to enlarge the penis to unimaginable sizes. However, in practice, not everything is so rosy, of course, among them there are those that really have a positive effect, but even more funds are of a dubious nature, which can leave not only an unpleasant aftertaste due to deceived hopes, but also affect healthy men.
Therefore, before resorting to these methods, you should consult a specialist in this field and find out how to really enlarge your penis without undesirable consequences. Another way to enlarge the penis is surgery. Modern surgery and microsurgery for penile correction are based on grafting tissues from other parts of the body.
Thus, the diameter of the manhood can be increased by 1 to 2 cm. If there is a desire to achieve a more significant result, muscle tissue transplantation is recommended, but this method is much more complicated. The operation time and the postoperative recovery time last much longer than in the first case, this must be taken into account when deciding on such a step.
As you can see, there are many ways and techniques that help and teach you how to enlarge your penis. If you are seriously thinking about increasing your dignity, then just choose the technique that is most suitable for you. In addition, other methods can be used, for example, condom spouts, drug injections.
It is unlikely to increase the penis by ten centimeters. But here you will be able to increase self-esteem, eliminate complexes. By enlarging the organ, you will be able to fulfill all your sexual desires, give a woman maximum pleasure. Also, massages and exercises are beneficial for the functioning of the penis. When using them regularly, you will not need to use pills to increase potency.
Ointment to enlarge the penis: which one to buy?
Men of all ages take care of their masculine strength. Moreover, even if they are physiologically normal with the genitals, that is, it has a size adaptable to your physique - attempts to increase it are not left aside. Men use various methods to make the body more "presentable": they buy special pumps, use an extender or resort to surgical intervention. These methods are not always justified, and sometimes they do not bring results. Today we will talk about how a penis enlargement cream can help men achieve their goals, which products are effective and which are "dummy", and what results can be achieved.

Cream to enlarge the penis: the principle of action
In the United States, manufacturers of penis enlargement products have created a special anonymous survey of men. Its essence was to find out what percentage of the stronger sex is not satisfied with the size of the penis. The statistics were disappointing: on the men's portal, 85% of men responded that they would like to make adjustments to their sexual organ by increasing it.
It is for this reason that today there are many different means and drugs that are supposed to help correct the situation without surgery.
Penis enlargement ointment is one of the best-selling male products. What is the secret?
- Firstly, using the cream is quite simple;
- Secondly, the price of such a product is acceptable for every man, regardless of material status;
- Thirdly, penis enlargement ointment is always created from natural ingredients as it is not a medical remedy. Thus, the product can be purchased without consulting a doctor.
According to consumer reviews, penis enlargement ointment really helps to solve the problem with centimeters. But today they create a lot of fakes, because of which the reputation of this method is leveled. In addition, men do not always clearly follow the recommendations described in the instructions, so the expected effect may not occur.

What is the principle of action of creams?
Creams have a certain composition, which improves blood flow in Organs genitals. The consistency of the cream is quickly absorbed by the tissues, supplying blood to the corpora cavernosa, causing the organ to enlarge.
Each manufacturer uses different components that contribute to penis enlargement. For example, fenugreek is a powerful tissue growth stimulator. This is an exotic plant that does not grow in our area. Penis enlargement ointment has a different duration.
Some gels need to be used systematically for a month, some have an instant effect, but they increase the organ by 3-4 mm.
Therefore, when choosing a tool, you should familiarize yourself with some nuances that will help you find an adaptable tool for your case.
Ointment to enlarge the penis: varieties of creams
Penis enlargement cream reviews are mixed. But before buying any product, you need to carefully study it. To date, creams can be divided into several categories, which differ in the time of exposure to the penis, namely:
fast reaction gels
The components of these creams are selected in such a way that they quickly begin to act, giving a man not only an enlarged penis, but also stamina in bed. But it is worth noting that the result will be noticeable in five minutes, but this "paradise" lasts about two hours. Penis enlargement gel reviews are negative for those who do not understand the principle of the product. You need to read the summary carefully. It is important to apply this type of cream immediately before intercourse.
Creams for a long period
These resources should be applied systematically for a month, or even two. The main principle is daily use. According to consumer reviews, the effect lasts about five months. At the end of the course, the course must be renewed.

auxiliary gel
Such creams must be used together with other means to enlarge the penis (dietary supplements, pills), etc. You can often hear negative reviews about this product. But that's probably because the consumer didn't initially understand the purpose of the product. Of course, now there is an acute question of which gel is better to use. We will describe the most popular creams, the principle of their action and how to apply them.